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Nov. 14, 2012
PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting  ---   November 14, 2012

7:32 PM  The meeting opened by chairman. Present were: Chairman Jerry Gannelli, Jon Fudeman, John Mirick, Tom Daly and Ann Neuburg. PB alternate member Rick McCowan present.

Doug Andrysick came in for Sal Balsamo with an ANR to split a five-acre lot on Brooks Station Road.  Check for $200 has been received and the plan met all requirements of an ANR “short list” although the ANR  list of plan requirements in the town’s Rules & Regs is longer, and includes wetlands and monumentation. The use of either list--eliminating the shorter list--will be on the next agenda. The board voted all in favor to endorse and sign the ANR plan.

7:45 PM  Sal Balsamo is seeking a “special permit for accessory apartment” and displayed plans for an addition to a pre-existing in-law apartment at 248 Worcester Road. The status of some bedrooms and a stairway were discussed, as square footage of the apartment cannot be more that 1/3 the total building square footage. Original house built around 1800. Board asked Mr. Balsamo to collect the lot plan and elevations and photo from streetside view, along with more accurate floor areas of both units, to better understand the entire picture. He agreed to have those materials in time for public hearing. Payment of $400 is pending also.

8:20 PM  Building Inspector John Wilson came in to discuss procedures around the SP for Acc. Apt. and occupancy permits. He noted that main concern is with smoke and CO detectors and said that each building/home has to be considered on a case-by-case basis because the regs are complex and certain regs apply according to the scope or timeframe/history of a particular project. Plus, there’s room for interpretation of code enforcement. With new construction, the safety devices are included in the building permit, although going forward, the FD is responsible to [code] updates and maintenance. He supported the inclusion of an occupancy permit in the requirements of the SP even when no construction is taking place, then both Occ. Permit and fire safety devices could get a final inspection.

Dana Staub, 37 Radford Road, at the corner of Boylston, had been at the last PB meeting to explain his pre-existing accessory apt. and he has submitted materials and a $400 check for the special permit application. A public hearing will be scheduled. Tom has said that he is an abutter on Boylston Ave. and would recuse from the public hearing. PB alternate member Rick McCowan will be notified if and when public meetings are scheduled.

8:30 PM Kyle Zelley wants to rent garage/truck storage space from Bruce Jacobson at the [industrial] site next Post Office Place. He wants overnight parking for his veggy-oil trucks. Board asked John Wilson if it constituted a change of use, which triggers a site plan review. Board wants to consider all facts of the proposed truck movement at the site, time of day/night, number of trucks, etc. They decided they need to start with an original plan from Jacobson to identify former uses within the various structures at the site.

8:45 PM  Marie and Barton Kincaid came in to describe plans for building the first ‘new’ house in the Sadie’s Paradise subdivision the PB had approved in 2007—which was never recorded and construction never began. They have donated Lot #4 for a pre-fab, two-BR, solar home on a slab foundation, for a veteran-in-need. Tom D. pointed out several conditions that need to be met and Marie said all road work and drainage swales and detention basins will be done as per the engineer’s plans and specs. She said Conservation Commission has approved extra tree-clearing on Lot 4 to accommodate a solar installation. After discussion, PB advised her that they could not legally re-sign the original plan for recording now, and there would have to be another submission, even of the same exact plan, along with a new hearing process.

The board voted all in favor to waive a new set of fees, and have the applicant only pay the public hearing costs for newspaper postings and abutter mailings. She is requesting a public hearing as soon as possible.

9:15 PM  Administrative Business  Board voted all in favor to approve minutes of from Oct. 17.

Board looked at draft copy of latest map from CMRPC. It includes 3 layers:  zoning; parcels and open space. The legend has been edited and fill-colors toned down and zoning graphics clarified. Next, a wall size will be printed.

A packet of specs and report concerning Isaac’s Way was sent to Jim Shuris from Doug Andrysick. It is to be considered at a January meeting. Shuris will be contacted for comments on the report. Any extensions on the project will be researched.

Jerry G. reported on the state applying for funds for haz-waste cleanup that was considered at the CMRPC meeting. he asked the board to support the effort and vote to enable Jerry to vote for it and allow CMRPC to act. Joh F. explained that this may have already been accomplished at the meeting. The PB voted all in favor to allow Jerry to cast a vote at CMRPC.

After discussion on various dates for the next meeting, and allowing enough time to post public hearings in the newspaper, the board agreed to meet on Dec. 12, as the only December meeting, instead of the 5th. This will allow enough time to post three public hearings to be conducted on the 12th: two SP hearings for Balsamo and Staub, and one re-submitted subdivision from Kincaids.

9:30 PM  All voted in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted
Marie Auger, Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:  

2nd Draft town map from CMRPC
Letter and report from Andrysick to Shuris dated Oct. 30, 2012
Subdivision plans from 2007 for Sadie’s Paradise